Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why I love Nick Cave


Ok that is like the most amazing video and song.....Note to all guys-- try and be more like Nick Cave in this video could ya? Thx

Second, I love Nick Cave because of the Boys Next Door. His very first band that put out 1 album which also served as the soundtrack to one of the best/ worst movies ever made-- Dogs In Space.

(I'm so glad the price of the DVD came down a little bit to only $198.00) And yes, that IS Michael Hutchense.

Ok this next youtube has never even been watched by me. It's the promo video of the song Shivers which was the big heroin over dose song during the movie. It's a love song. It's actually not at all indicative of the rest of the album either, but oh well. You'll have to buy it I guess! It's called Door, Door. It's worth every penny. It came out in the late seventies and basically invented new wave.

OK moving on....Nick Cave has written a book. It's called And the Ass Saw the Angel. It is one of the darkest, most twisted stories about a boy who lives in squalor in a swamp town in Australia that has had rain for something like 5 years straight. He slowly goes completely insane in a town where they eventually want to kill him for messing with this girl who was sent there to essentially stop the rain. She's some sort of gift from God or whatever. Anyway, the book is incredible and I even came across a cd a bunch of years ago that has Nick Cave reading from his book-- and it's one of the most riveting things I've ever heard. If you ever come over my house, ask me and I'll play it for you. It's amazing...

OK lastly, he wrote The Proposition-- one of the greatest movies to come out in 2005. It stars Guy Pearce and John Hurt and it's a story about brothers, torture, civil war and violence. And it is perfectly acted. Sort of a combo of Clockwork Orange and some kinda western movie that I can't reference because I don't usually watch those types of movies. Also there are lots of cute boys in the movie-- always a plus in my book.

So if those aren't enough reasons to love a person, than I don't know what is! I think everyone who reads this should go to amazon and buy a copy of Tender Prey-- an early album by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, rent the Proposition and read And the Ass Saw the Angel. Then we can hang out and talk about how great he is together!!

Fun facts--
1. The Bad Seed is a movie from 1956 about a little girl who likes to murder people. It's brilliant.
2. Nick Cave had a long term relationship with Kylie Minougue. (bitch!!)
3. He also wrote a movie called Ghosts... of the Civil Dead and it's only available for all region DVD players (christmas gift for me??)
4. His first girlfriend apparently wrote a bunch of the lyrics on From Her to Eternity-- another favorite album of mine.

Well there you have it. Hope you enjoyed my little report on Nick Cave. *curtsies*

---words by Alison Leigh

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